She'd been conceived as a goddess of justice. But this wasn't just. It wasn't right. And her husband's wrongful death would not go unavenged. Kissing cold lips Bathymaas laid him on the ground and covered his body with her cloak. Artemis gasped and s...
Aricles and I are married. The Greek god Apollo found out and he threatened to discredit and shame me before the other gods unless Aricles refused to fight. To protect my honor and name, he has allowed all of you to insult and attack him, and I will ...
I thought you'd be gone by now." Velkan "Hardly, I have to much to do." Esperetta "Such as?" Velkan "Apologize to you." Esperetta "Why would you do that?" Velkan "Because I'm stupid and pigheaded. Judgmental. Unforgiving. Mistrustful--you can stop me...
You're boring me, M'Ordant. Go away." V'Aidan "You can't be bored." M'Ordant "And a good thing, too, since I'd no doubt perish from it while in your company." V'Aidan
Life's to short to spend it fighting when you could be holding the one you love. And love's to rare to squnder it with petty concerns." The Apolloite groom to Rafael
By the way, I have a bone to pick with you." Esperetta "Only one?" Velkan "At the moment." Esperetta "Then I can't wait to hear it." Velkan "'Bram' and 'Stoker'?" Esperetta "It was fitting, I thought." Velkan
Are all men's lips as soft as yours, Ari?" Bathymaas "I suppose, goddess. But I don't make it a habit to feel the lips of other men so I don't know for certain." Aricles
I vote, I challenge Bathymaasy and we shoot arrows at you dearest brother." Artemis Set and Bathymaas laughed. Apollo, not so much.
You look good as a Pirate." Erin "Ahoy, matey," he said, laying her back against the grass. "Me cap'n's ship needs a port." V' Aidan "Me cap'n's port needs a ship." Erin