The closer we come to understanding the challenges of autism, the better we are placed to accommodate and educate without risking removing that individuality we all love.
Our visuals must represent the truth and decode the verbal jumble so these children can find the right direction.
Children with autism are constantly testing and pursuing truth. They are a bundle of contradictions. They love order and routine, yet often have the most amazingly inventive and creative minds. They may appear to follow rules, but are also the most l...
We know that children with autism like order, that they are often very visual and that they can be quite literal. They deserve beautiful resources and symbols that make sense. If a picture does not explain visually, it is pointless and the child will...
Adapting our own perception, following rather than leading and building bridges are all keys to helping the child with autism learn.
In a world now so obsessed with speed, we teachers must step back and learn to wait.
When teaching children with autism we must be quick to adapt, follow our instinct and go off plan.