Stay at the center of your being without allowing your attention to become distracted by sensory stimulation. Be still and let your true nature manifest and shine through.
if we make choices using Earth as the central standard, welfare as a common goal, and conscience as the absolute scale, even apparently complex changes may happen more quickly than we imagine.
When you are stressed, if you take three deep breaths before you say or do anything, this will help prevent you from making choices you might regret later.
At the very moment when we refuse to follow our conscience and refuse to be truthful, we become all the more aware of the presence of conscience and the absolute truthfulness inside.
At this time in history, sick, afraid, and despondent are the general conditions that affect the majority of poeple almost everywhere. It's difficult and challenging to follow the call of conscience when we're under the dark veil of these forces. At ...
If you say one thing, and do something different, how can your conscience trust you? Self-trust comes from integrity.
The choice is to live a spiritual life; to live a bigger life; to live a life of service to Earth and the whole; it's choosing every day and every hour to live by your true nature at all levels of being rather than live as an individual person only o...