Inner Knowledge -- You want to become wise in one lesson: First become a real human being.
Caravan of DreamsMediation - Before you learn how to meditate, you must unlearn what you think meditation might be.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Love Do you think you love your Creator? Love your fellow-creature first.
Caravan of DreamsDefinitions from Mulla Do-Piaza Penitent: Someone who has been made incapable of enjoying himself.
Caravan of DreamsDefinitions from Mulla Do-Piaza A fool: A man trying to be honest with the dishonest.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Obligation to Learn The pursuit of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet THE PEOPLE It is the people who are God's family. (Muhammad the Prophet)
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Truth Speaking the truth to the unjust is the best of holy wars.
Caravan of DreamsDicho del Profeta Verdad Decir la verdad a los injustos es la mejor de las guerras santas.
Caravan of DreamsSaying of the Prophet Food Nobody has eaten better food than that won by his own labour.
Caravan of Dreams