Pics or it didn't happen." "Dude, little busy for pics. You know, throwing flame.
It's an illusion, control," Naomi said. "You ought to understand that by now, young Claire. We are never in control of our destinies, even the strongest of us. All we can hope to do is not be too badly damaged by events.
Myrnin was silent for a beat, and then he said, "Bob would be very disappointed in you.
Shane looked faintly injured. “I make it my business to know everything about silver. And I saw your notes. I study up on everything when it comes to your boss, anyway.” There was a flicker of jealousy about that, but she didn’t have time, or e...
His smile was bright and sweet and hot enough to melt solid steel. "Is this the part where I kiss you?" "If you like." "Oh," he said, "I like.
Shane: "Bro," he said, in an injured tone, "I had to go out with a flamethrower, and you weren't there to see it." Michael: "Pics or it didn't happen." Shane: "Dude, little busy for pics. You know, throwing flame." - Black Dawn
Hannah: What's your plan? Claire: Go get him Hannah: Honey, that is not a plan. That's what we in the military call an objective.
Shane: "Score," he said, and raised the crowbar in triumph. "Who's your daddy?" - Black Dawn
Shane: "Bro," he said, in an injured tone, "I had to go out with a flamethrower, and you weren't there to see it." Michael: "Pics or it didn't happen." Shane: "Dude, little busy for pics. You know, throwing flame.
What’s her name? Claire, what’s her name?
You can't go around... licking things that come out of a water treatment plant. That's just... unsanitary.
Even bipolar vampires needed sleep from time to time, and he was well past his recommended safe dosage of stress.
That's very rude," Myrnin said. "I haven't brought my fangs our for some time. Not in mixed company, anyway.