A light rain touches my cheek like an angel's butterfly kisses.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableThe day you were born the angels whispered, "She is going to love him until the day she dies.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableWolves and Doves mate for life. I hope in the next life I am one of the two.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableLove is a battle with yourself. Be kind and love yourself before you love anyone else.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableThere is nothing more beautiful than a vulnerable heart in open hands.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableTo pray is to communicate with the essence. Praying is calling home.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableMy body either likes you or it doesn't. And, I trust my body but I can’t assuredly tell you why.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableWhen I hear that people live by the book, I always wonder which one.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableI think I must have invented you on one of those days I was really bored.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableWhen a man takes good care of the woman, she takes care of his competitors.
Better to be able to love than to be loveableI like you. Therefore I will decorate you with qualities you don't have.
Better to be able to love than to be loveable