You possess a great soul, awaken the spirit.
Think pleasantly; Think of how beautiful you are. Think of the families you are blessed with. Think of the dreams you have to achieve.
The word of God gives us timeless hope.
I love who I am. I am beautiful creation of God.
If you observe nature daily, it brings harmony with you and God.
We come into the world through a man and a woman. But life blessings us with many fathers and mothers.
We are members of God’s family. One faith, one hope and one baptism.
We belong to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
Heavenly Father, I will always call on you, I know you will answer.
We have been called by God; we must live life worthy of our calling.
God’s word is lamp that lights my path.
Hope is a believe in God.
You don’t always have to follow the rules. You have to stand for what you believe.
Believe in yourself, you can do great things!
Believe in miracles. Believe in endless possibilities.
Keep on desiring. Keep on seeking.
It is only by grace and hope in great God of wonders, we receive strength and vitality for everyday life.
Never give up, pursue your passion!