Baltasar Mateus, o Sete-Sóis, está calado, apenas olha fixamente Blimunda, e de cada vez que ela o olha a ele sente um aperto na boca do estômago, porque olhos como estes nunca se viram, claros de cinzento, ou verde, ou azul, que com a luz de fora...
It will no longer be necessary to leave one's own home in order to find work in the surrounding districts, which means spending week after week away from home, for no matter how restless a fellow might be, his own home, if he has a wife he respects a...
There is nothing healthier for a man than to walk on his own two legs
A man must earn his daily bread by some means some-where, and if his bread fails to nourish his soul, at least his body will be nourished while his soul suffers.
The threat of rain appears to have nothing to do with Joao Elvas's desire to be alone, and one must not forget that, strange as it may seem, some men can spend their entire life alone and enjoy solitude, especially if it is raining and their crust is...