...the real threat from cranks is not that their customers might die -- there is the odd case, although it seems crass to harp on about them - but that they systematically the public's understanding about the very nature of evidence.
...the real threat from cranks is not that their customers might die - there is the odd case, although it seems crass to harp on about them - but that they systematically undermines the public's understanding about the very nature of evidence.
You cannot reason people out of a position that they did not reason themselves into.
You are a placebo responder. Your body plays tricks on your mind. You cannot be trusted.
You will do it because you know that knowledge is beautiful, and because if only a hundred people share your passion, that is enough.
In the past, [medicalization]has been portrayed as something that doctors inflict on a passive and un-suspecting world - an expansion of the Medical Empire. But in reality, it seems that these reductionist bio-medical stories can appeal to us all, be...