So, Anna, did you know That when you kill yourself Those you say you love, They die too?
Somehow, I feel almost blinded myself. And I am forever left to wonder Whether telling you how truly special You were Might have made a difference.
And the only answer I know is That no child should give up on life. Math deals in absolutes. But life is the most absolute of all.
Since September, I sat one seat behind Anna in algebra. Passed papers to her every day. Studied for tons of tests together. Though it often seemed impossible, Eventually, We always found the unknown for X. But not this time. This equation Bounces aga...
I could always accept not being the prettiest or the smartest Because I had the best of friends. A and A they called us. But, Anna, somehow, I failed you. And now I've lost the best part of Me.
Life can be messy. No doubt, a lot of these kids are living proof. But in spite of their anxieties and their angers, At least- They Are trying to live.