Thanksgiving means thanking the givers.
Say Thanks" is sometimes more important than "Say Cheese".
Man makes his own destiny. Despite being a woman, she makes Man, a Gentleman.
How saying is saying if its already said.
Life kicks you on the face, especially the moment you take the helmet off your head to stop and rest.
Books are road map to your destination called success. Refer to good ones.
Problems are like your own shadow. If you look at them you will miss the sunshine. So.. Turn back.. towards the light.. and go on.
Do not say "I ll Try", Try to say "I ll do".
The most colorful thing in the world is black and white, it contains all colors and at the same time excludes all.
Genuinity is mother of stupidity.
Stupidity of proving yourself when not required is itself a proof of stupidity.
Be a bright student of the teacher called Life.